Friday, March 13, 2015

urban art~New York City

I'm a firm believer that beauty can be found wherever you are. It can be a beautiful vista, beautiful architecture, or a beautiful moment. It's easier to be a glass-half-empty sort, and I definitely have my share of pessimism, but looking for the beauty in the world around me balances me, keeps my eyes out and around and up from myself. I do love the natural, the majestic, but I also love urban art. We, being made in the image of God to display His splendor, have been given art, displayed in many different ways to the world. Here are a few of my favorites...

I love the actual photograph of this, taken in Times Square when the news announcing the end of World War II poured over the country--the joyous, euphoric jubilation that I can only imagine not having lived in that time. Walking along the Chelsea Highline, this psychedelic re-creation made my heart smile.
On the boundary/intersection where Chinatown becomes Little Italy
This FDNY Ladder lost six men on 9/11...never forget

The Brooklyn Bridge arched over the Empire State Building
The sweetest urban art of all, NYC playground art and I'm not just talking about the chalk drawings...

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