Sunday, February 15, 2015

I picked a different new year

Am I the only one who gets overwhelmed on January 1st? I have a giddy anticipation mixed with a heaping dose of dread. The unknown is scary and exciting all at the same time. Hope and idealism splash around in my mind but I know my overly optimistic tendencies. Status quo realism is likely to have taken over by the month’s end.

Maybe we shouldn’t make resolutions on January 1st. (Obviously, I didn't.) Frankly, December burns me out and runs me over. I love it, try to savor it, but it is exhausting. This year I tried to keep the season simple, but simple in December is still not simple. We marathon through never ending to-do lists, errands, shopping, baking, cooking, cleaning, and wrapping (shall I keep going?). Add a few Christmas parties, multiple practices and kids’ (adorable) performances, and a cookie exchange for good measure and my sense of normalcy resembles more closely the wrapping paper shards left in the wake of my six-year-old unwrapping presents. And suddenly, January enters, heralding an aromatic scent of “blah” and I want to discuss new “to-do” anythings as much as I want a root canal. I’ve barely reinstated normal and am 99% likely to still have Christmas decorations up.

So although my husband and I have thought through our vision and dreams for this year (well, it is tradition after all…), in January, I marked the Chinese New Year on my calendar. And just like that,  February 19th has nearly arrived! Hoorah! I feel recovered from December and I'm looking for a shake-up (in homeschool land, February is considered akin to evil so I secretly hoped to be making resolutions from a sandy beach, but alas, maybe next year!)

I've kept it simple:


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