Thursday, March 26, 2015

those March days, the first samplings of spring

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." ~Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Spring where I live sometimes bears a striking resemblance to winter. In spite of knowing that heavy, wet snow will come, the clustered buds appear on our trees, new green peeks out from the ground, fledgling leaves prepare to welcome the cherry blossoms. The sun shines bright, the air is fresh and cool, it's like breathing hope into my lungs when I step outside. Cabin fever flees our home. I look at the world with visions of daffodils and tulips dancing in my head, remembering my excitement when I saw these flowers bloom in my mom's garden as a child.
Spring is not predictable, but that's okay. The unpredictability makes it beautiful. No matter what assails it, we know the fruit of spring. Even a little battering cannot quench its bloom.
Crocus blooming at the botanical gardens...
"In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours."
~Mark Twain

The wilderness and the desert will be glad,
And the [land] will rejoice and blossom;
Like the crocus
It will blossom profusely
And rejoice with rejoicing and shout of joy...
They will see the glory of the LORD,
The majesty of our God.
Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble.
Say to those with anxious heart,
'Take courage, fear not...'”
Isaiah 35:1-4

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