I love country music, musicals, and small-town America (but I am a bonafide city girl). As a child and tween, I was sure my dad was on a personal crusade to embarrass and torture me with his twangy country music never absent in any car he drove. Now, I love it. Most of it anyway. I like variety...in music and in life.
I love to travel, study languages, learn and understand (aka be immersed in) cultures. With unlimited time, I would love to be fluent in at least five languages, but I'm content (mostly) to keep up with two. I enjoy experiencing new places through food. If it's a local delicacy, I'll get it. If it's weird, I'll try it. I also love to share with my friends (some are noticeably weary when I return from a trip and tell them I brought something for them to try...vomit jelly beans anyone? Thank you, Harry Potter).
I am content curling up for days on end with a cup or tea or coffee and a stack of books (but I admit this is more pipe dream than reality with three kids at home). I'm hopelessly passionate about reading...diving into quality literature as well as sweet, fluffy treat literature. I’m a hopeless romantic and devour light-hearted movies, Jane Austen and anything related. Plus, I love dance movies--although they are all the same, I envy superb dancing because the closest I come to that ability is Zumba.
Autumn never lasts long enough, spring doesn’t arrive soon enough, but I relish cozy blankets, hot tea, and good literature (did I mention I love books?) with a snow-scaped window view. Raised by the Rockies, I long for the beach--there is no destination I love better. One of the best gifts my husband gave me was my beloved beach-cruiser which I don't get to ride on a boardwalk, but I digress.
Autumn in the Rockies |
I feel deeply the pain of the world around me. I’m passionate about adoption, homeschooling, my family and friends, and Jesus. I have three amazing kiddos, a husband who loves me with humor, grace and generosity, and a lap dog who I affectionately call "fluff muppet" (if she were dyed red, she might resemble "Animal" from the Muppets). I love life and all of its complexities and strive to find beauty and joy as I journey. This is me, created in the image of God, constantly growing and learning and changing, hoping to honor God with my life and seeing His hand and beauty in the world around me. I'm Stef.